Monday, September 17, 2012

My Guitars

Well let me start with introducing the guitars I currently own. For some I suppose 4 may be too much for others 4 may be too few. I actually would love to buy more but have for the moment convinced myself I am good with these. Although I really do need a good electric guitar since the one I have is just a squire. Anyway below you can see the picture of all of them. The first is my current favorite to play which is a Fender Resonator. I just love the tone and it is a very forgiving guitar. Next is my Ibanez Exotic wood series guitar. This has great tone as well. I prefer this one when I do a little finger picking instead of strumming. The next is the Ibanez Artcore.I love the look but have not unleashed its full potential I am sure. And finally is my cheap electric Fender Squire. Like I said I really need to buy a decent electric at some point. This one is not bad for beginners but I like to think of myself as slightly above beginner now.

Thats all of them...for now. If and when i purchase a new one I will be sure to share. Now tell me about your guitar.

1 comment:

  1. Guitar is a stringed musical instrument with a fretted fingerboard, typically in curved sides, and usually six or twelve strings. It beautifies the melody of songs. I am so happy and I want to tell you lot of thanks for you interesting writing skills.Learn keyboard online | Online yoga | Online fitness
